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Quick And Easy Classroom Award Ideas to Make the End of the Year Easier

One of my favorite parts of teaching is celebrating each child’s unique strengths. Giving out individualized classroom awards at an award ceremony is a great way to make each child feel recognized and seen.

This post will share some tips for creating a special classroom award ceremony that truly includes and celebrates each child.

Classroom Award Ideas: Quick and Easy End Of The Year Ideas

The end of the year is BUSY! Sometimes end-of-year awards can feel like one more thing to fit onto your already full plate. You don’t want to leave anyone out, but coming up with a just-right award for EVERY student can be tricky.

The end of the year can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be.

Classroom awards can be quick and easy. You don’t need to spend a ton of time thinking up award ideas, use up all your colored ink, or stress over putting together a picture-perfect, parent-pleasing event.

Successful classroom awards only need 3 things.

There are really only three things you absolutely must remember.

First and most important, EVERY kid is special. Go beyond academics. Every child is precious, and every child has some special trait, accomplishment, or skill that you can recognize.

Get Creative With Award Ideas

Get creative with your classroom award ideas.

Think outside the box. Classroom award ideas can include many areas. Award certificates can also be used throughout the year as one way to reward your class.

  • Grades
  • Academic skills
  • Behavior
  • Character
  • Social skills
  • Hobbies & interests
  • Personality traits

Second, include everyone. Not every child is going to earn every award, but every child has something to celebrate. End-of-the-year classroom awards are a perfect opportunity to recognize that. Check that every kid is getting an award. Use your class list and make sure no one is left out.

Classroom Award Ideas: Include Everyone

There’s no room for sarcasm. Keep it 100% positive. Sarcastic classroom awards and inside jokes aren’t likely to go over well. Stay sincere and keep the focus on the positives. Those students who get the least praise probably need it the most; please take this opportunity to show them that you see them positively.

There’s no need to stress over a picture-perfect award ceremony, but it should feel special. Ham it up and have fun with a fake microphone, a red carpet, a drumroll, or some confetti. Ask parents to send in some special snacks or pair certificates with a small end-of-year gift like bubbles, books, or individualized notes. (This post contains affiliate links.)

Try to invite family members, guardians, and adults from school. If you have some kiddos whose family can’t come, call home, leave a message, or send home a postcard. Let the kid see you do it. Take a photo of them getting their certificate to share with their family or ask another school staff member to be their special guest.

Editable certificates make awards simple

Classroom Awards Made Easy

There’s no need to stress over your classroom awards. Editable award certificates make completing your classroom awards quick and easy. Nearly 100 classroom award ideas make it easy to find the just-right award certificate for each child, and there’s no need to use your best handwriting or use up all your colored ink. Just type, print, and check it off your to-do list.

Like the editable certificates?

Would you like to simplify your end-of-year classroom awards with editable certificates? You can see more here.

Want a FREE classroom award ceremony invitation?

Get started with the free award ceremony invite, end-of-year awards checklist, and free awards below.

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